When is a good time to stain my fence?

Believe it or not staining a fence in Texas can be done year round. The only time we can’t stain your fence is when the wood is frozen, so as long as the temperature is above freezing when we apply the stain, then its a good time to stain.

The best time to stain a fence is early or late summer. The optimum time would be with a few dry days of warm weather. A cloudy day works well too.

The biggest challenge we face in the panhandle is the wind and rain. When it is pretty windy we can’t stain because the wind carries the spray pretty far (a sprayer is used to apply the stain) and can damage neighbors property or cars.

Of course if it’s raining the job will have to be postponed until it stops and the wood has time to dry out.

It’s important to stain your fence at least once every three years. This will help prevent rust and other damage to the wood. If you notice any cracks or holes in the wood, you should also repair these before staining.


A Few Good Reasons You Should Stain Your Fence


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