How a Fence Adds to Your Homes Curb Appeal

First impressions are important- including the first impressions of your property! A fence is often the first thing people notice about your home’s exterior and having a beautiful, well-built and stained fence makes a big impact. Whether you’re interested in investing in a new fence or considering a makeover for your current fence, there are things you should know about how a fence adds curb appeal to your home!

First Impression of Your Home

People can tell a lot about a home before they even hit the front door. A fence that is in disrepair or looks bad compared to the rest of the neighborhood can send the wrong message to people about you and your property.

Maintaining a Beautiful Fence

Fence staining and sealing is a worthy home improvement project. There are dozens of colors that you can choose from that will fit your needs and the desired look of your outdoor space. Once your fence is stained, it will last several years with proper care and maintenance. There are even simple things you can do on reoccurring basis, like soft washing annually and re-staining every 2-4 years, that will keep your fence looking brand new for longer!

Preparing to Sell Your Home

Experts in the Real Estate industry will tell you that a nice fence can be a huge selling point on your home! Potential homebuyers often tell real estate agents that they want to invest in a home with the most useable space- and that includes outdoor space. A home that has a fence that is old/rotting/falling apart can be less appealing than a home with an aesthetically pleasing and functional fence. Potential buyers may even request that the fence is replaced as a condition of the home sale... so better to get ahead of the curve and start the process for repair, restoration, or replacement early. A fence is a lasting investment, so a restored, stained and sealed fence can increase your home value! Plus, there are even different scenarios in which your fence can be a tax deduction!

Lets You Enjoy Your Outdoor Space

Part of the curb appeal of a fence is that it allows you to best enjoy your outdoor spaces! Homeowners want to be able to have a fence that is beautiful AND functional, because nothing is less appealing than an old rotted fence that doesn’t allow you to be outside.

Ties Together Other Exterior Elements

There are many small details that, when combined, create the overall aesthetic of your home and outdoor space. Things like window boxes, decorative house numbers, light fixtures, and the entry way to your front steps. An old dilapidated fence can totally take away from/distract from all the other things that make your home uniquely yours. Rather than take away from the beauty of your home, a fence should add to it!

Our team of highly trained experts can work with you to decide on the stain color of your choosing to really make your fence pop!

Ready to get started on your outdoor space? Join the many happy customers who have had their fences stained and sealed by West Texas Stain & Restoration! We are locally owned & operated, factory trained, and certified. We specialize in staining fences, decks, and pergolas, fence, deck, and pergola restoration, and more! Give us a call today (806) 567-8808 so we can tackle your projects together and get your outdoor space looking just how you want it to!


Why You Should Stain Your Fence


A Few Good Reasons You Should Stain Your Fence